From Struggle to Sanctuary: The Power of Faith Communities in a Refugee’s Life Story 


Jun 16, 2024


12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

From Struggle to Sanctuary: The Power of Faith Communities in a Refugee’s Life Story
with guest Speaker Njamba Koffi.

June 16, 2024, Noon – 2 pm 

Join us for a light lunch and deep learning about faith community role in supporting refugees through hearing Njamba Koffi’s story. Njamba Koffi is a highly regarded educator, advocate, author, musician, and public speaker.  His book Refuge-e: The Journey Much Desired details his experience leaving the Democratic Republic of the Congo through refugee camps in Malawi and Swaziland to school in Germany and university in Vancouver. Please email to let us know you’re coming! 

Event Hosted by the St. Andrew’s Wesley Refugee Team.  

There is no cost for this event and all donations gratefully accepted.