Church History

We’re proud to be a spiritual, cultural, and historical landmark in the heart of Vancouver. St. Andrew’s-Wesley’s cathedral-style structure has stood tall in the city since 1933.

Built almost 90 years ago, St. Andrew’s-Wesley was designed by architects Twizell & Twizell using locally sourced materials. We are known for our soaring vaulted roof, original stained glass windows, and angel reliefs. 

As a designated heritage building, the restoration of St. Andrew’s-Wesley centered around maintaining these features while making essential upgrades. We now have a space steeped in beauty and history that meets the needs of our staff, congregation, and community; today, tomorrow, and into the future. 

The restoration of St. Andrew’s-Wesley wouldn’t be possible without the generous contributions and unwavering support of our community. We can now offer additional programming and come together to worship, celebrate important life moments, and connect through art.