Men’s Breakfast
All Ages

On the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 8am.
Join us via zoom to talk, share our lives, and explore what we are wrestling with is a time-honoured tradition, and it’s made better by good food and coffee. Meet other men who are walking their faith path and listening to the events and concerns of their lives. Contact Rev Dan for more info.
Good News Cafe

If you are a senior looking for connection, community and discussions as good as the coffee, this gathering is for you! On Tuesdays at 10:30am we explore issues and topics that matter to you in this weekly gathering, sharing the good news that we see in our lives and in the world. Check our events section for topics.
Stitching Circle
All Ages

All levels of knitters, crocheters, quilters, and needlework artists are invited to join the Stitching Circle monthly on the 2nd Thursday from 1:30-3:30pm to create beautiful knitted goods! Prayer shawls, toques for homeless, baby blankets and Izzy dolls are just some of the projects we offer to serve our community. Check our events page for details.