What is Spiritual Accompaniment?
The sacred and ancient tradition known as Spiritual Direction or Accompaniment is the belief that each of us has a soul that yearns for us to lead lives of purpose. Often drowned out or covered up by our culture, personality, or a sense of isolation, spiritual accompaniment attempts to reconnect us to the inner voice of wisdom within each of us.
When might you go for Spiritual Accompaniment? Imagine that something has come up in your life in which you want more insight and clarity. It might be something to do with a relationship, work, a major life decision, or a matter of identity or faith which is just too much to figure out on your own. Something wants to be discerned and you would like a safe and trustworthy setting in which to do that work. Spiritual accompaniment is the practice of a trained listener or group who will “come alongside” your spiritual journey and through a process of questions and deep listening provide you with a space to access that inner wisdom again.
We offer two forms of Spiritual Accompaniment: one on one sessions with a Spiritual Director, or group-based listening circles.
One on One Sessions
Spiritual accompaniment is typically a one-hour session once a month. Accompaniment is offered through prayer, silence, questions, listening, poetry, art, body practice, and reflection. Accompaniment is a safe space where you honestly reflect on what God is doing in your life and have the space to hear God more clearly.
This is not coaching or psychological counseling, nor is it a replacement for psychiatric or other medically-based supports. What it does do is take seriously the great mysteries of life and helps you to notice the Divine at work in you.
Group Listening Circles
Held in a trusted circle of listeners, you bring your issue, transition, or life decision to the group to be deeply heard. After you have taken the time you need to speak about it, the members of the group will ask you open-ended questions. They will never advise, problem solve, tell stories of their own experience, or make recommendations.
In the second part of the exercise, a process known as ‘Mirroring’, will involve the group members reflecting back to you what they have heard and witnessed in your sharing.
The total process takes two hours and participants leave with greater clarity about their desires, blocks and hopes.
How much does it cost?
Spiritual accompaniment is offered by a free-will gathering. Offerings in the higher range will subsidize those who cannot pay the full amount. There will not be a tax receipt for this offering, as per CRA regulations.
Payment can be received through our donation portal https://pushpay.com/g/standrewswesley Please choose “spiritual accompaniment” from the Giving type menu. If you wish to pay by cash or cheque, please make it out to St. Andrew’s Wesley United and put “spiritual accompaniment” in the memo line. Please note no cash is kept on the premise and we cannot make change.
How do I book a session?
First time receiving accompaniment from us? Please fill out this form so we can help serve you better, letting us know if you want one on one or group support. If you know who you want to see, please indicate that in the form otherwise we will match you ourselves. Have been before? Please email signup@standrewswesley.com to book ongoing appointments.
Where does the session take place?
Sessions can be in person at the Centre for Spiritual Accompaniment office located at 1012 Nelson St. (sandwich board sign will be outside the door), or via zoom.
I’m a trained director and want to join!
Great! Please fill out our online form and we will get back to you!
Launch Date, anticipated wait time
The Centre’s proposed launch date is Oct 31, 2024.
Our Team
click on photo for bio