Youth & Young Adults

Looking to connect with a safer, braver, and affirming Christian community? Our youth & young adult gatherings are planned around shared meals, deep discussion, and artful encounters. Explore below to find a connection point.

Youth Group

(Grades 8 – 12)

Wednesdays 6:00-8:00pm, Pacific Spirit United Church – 2195 W. 45th Ave.

A space for youth to talk about the big questions of life and practice doing life the Jesus way in a safer, brave, and LGBT2Q+ inclusive space. 

Want the latest? Have questions? Want to sign up?
Email Ben HERE
Instagram: @youthandyoungadults
Linktree: yayastaw


Sundays, after sermon, in the Chapel

We begin a new youth (ages 13-18) program called “Visio,” where you will be invited to stay in for the first two thirds of the worship service, and will leave for the chapel after the sermon for a bevy of your choice, check-in and conversation, and a fun arts-based spiritual practice called Visio.  

Open Table

Second Sunday of every month from 5:00-6:45pm.

The journey of the soul craves connection and community as travel the many pathways of life.  Walking alongside people at a similar age and place in life is essential to for personal, communal, and spiritual growth.  All young adults (ages 18-30) are welcome to join us for an evening of connection over a warm meal, hearty conversations and plain old fun.  

All are welcome.  Come as you are!


Offered seasonally, based on interest.

Life is full of milestone moments!  Your birth, maybe your baptism, first day of school, learning to ride a bike, first time you offer leadership or make a presentation and so many more!  In the church one of the milestone moments we celebrate is Confirmation!  A time when a young person says yes to following the ways of Jesus, confirming the baptismal promises their parent(s) made, seeing themselves as part of the Story and with a role to serve in the world. 

Exploring faith for youth is an intentional program geared to wondering about the questions of faith: What does faith mean to me?  Why does belonging to a community of faith matter?  What’s my purpose?  Who is God for me?

Contact Ben to find out more!


Various times throughout the year.

Getting away, resting, and sitting in the goodness of God is huge part of our journey. Check our Upcoming Events page to see if there’s one coming up soon.